Announcements 10-20-2024

Book Study Series
- Event: Six-session book study on Laceye Warner's "Knowing Who We Are: The Wesleyan Way of Grace"
- Location: Hill Top
- Time: Tuesday at 6:30pm, beginning October 22nd
- Details: Explore the heritage of Methodism and its relevance today. Books available on Cokesbury and Amazon.
- Contact: Pastor Dylan
Trunk or Treat
- Event: Hill Top's annual Trunk or Treat
- Location: Hill Top parking lot
- Time: Saturday, October 26th from 4-6pm
- Details: Bring kids or hand out candy! If you'd like to participate
- Contact: Lou Ann at (724) 624-4285
Living Stones Free Community Meal
- Event: Living Stones' monthly free community meal
- Location: Fairhaven United Methodist Church
- Time: Next Sunday, October 27th at 4:30pm
- Details: All are welcome for a hot dinner!
Bishop Visit
- Event: Meet & Greet with Bishop Sandra Steiner-Ball
- Location: Coraopolis UMC
- Time: Monday, October 28th at 6:30pm
- Details: RSVP at
All Hallows' Eve Service
- Event: Worship service for All Hallows' Eve (Halloween!)
- Location: Spencer UMC
- Time: Wednesday, October 30th at 7pm
- Details: An ancient Christian observance representing our encounter with death and darkness, but also Jesus Christ's triumph over it.