Announcements 11-17-2024

South Hills Partnership Christmas Store
- Event: Selected nominated families can shop at a special store for 90% off
- Location: Hilltop
- Time: Saturday, December 7th
- Details: Families need to be nominated by contacting Lou Anne, Stormy's mother.
- Contact: Lou Anne
South Hills Partnership Thanksgiving Service
- Event: Thanksgiving service and light dinner of soups and breads to share
- Location: Hilltop Church
- Time: This Friday at 4:30 p.m.
- Details: Attendees can enjoy a light dinner after the service
Order Poinsettias
- Event: Order poinsettias for the Christmas season
- Location: Fairhaven United Methodist Church
- Details: Poinsettias will decorate the altar and can be taken home the Christmas Eve service
- Contact: Flo
Neighbor Church Prayer Service and Dinner
- Event: Neighborhood inter-church prayer service and dinner
- Location: Different churches (Spencer, St. Peter’s in Brentwood, and Brentwood Presbyterian Church)
- Time: The first Wednesday of Advent at 6 p.m. (First one on December 4th)
- Details: To be held on three Wednesdays during Advent
Clothing Closets
- Event: Donation of winter clothing items
- Location: Fairhaven United Methodist Church
- Time: Currently ongoing (implied to be during winter)
- Details: Donations of winter clothing is encouraged, especially as it transitions into winter. The church has clothing closets available in the parking lot for those who need free clothing.