Announcements 3-10-2024

Fundraising and Events
- Saris Easter Candy Fundraiser: Order online at using Fairhaven's ID #10-0303 delivery within two days. Profits benefit Fairhaven.
- United Women in Faith Meeting: Scheduled for noon tomorrow.
- UMCOR Sunday: Special offering today for global disaster relief through the United Methodist Committee on Relief.
- Carnegie Church Building Sale: Garage sale on March 23rd from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Volunteers needed.
Church and Community Involvement
- Membership Recruitment: Contact Pastor Dylan for information on joining the church during Lent.
- Vacation Bible School Planning: Get in touch with Pastor Dylan for upcoming summer event details.
- Hilltop Easter Egg Hunt: Scheduled for March 18th at 5:30 p.m. Pre-register 2024 Hill Top UMC Easter Egg Hunt. Capacity is 60 kids.
- Spencer Annual Rummage Sale: Donate items before April.
Services and Celebrations
- Maundy Thursday Service: At Fairhaven on March 28th at 7 p.m. featuring a jazz-type service.
- Good Friday Tenebrae Service: At Spencer on March 29th at 7:30 p.m.
Spiritual Development
- Lenten Book Study Group: Discussing Christine Valters Paintner's A Different Kind of Fast. For insights, listen to her interview on the UMC podcast.
For more detailed information or to participate, reaching out to the appropriate contacts mentioned, like Dylan or Stormie, is encouraged.