Announcements 4-14-2024

Flocknote Updates
- If you haven’t signed up for Flocknote updates from the South Hills Partnership, or if your contact info has changed recently, be sure to update your info at or by texting “shpumc” to 84576.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
- Hilltop: The Bible study has just begun the book of Exodus. If you’d like to join (it is held on Zoom at 7pm, so you can participate from home), contact one of the pastors or Dave Smoyer.
Spencer’s Spring Rummage Sale
- Spencer: Mark your calendars for the upcoming Rummage Sale on Friday and Saturday, April 19-20.
New Group: "Let's Talk"
- Spencer: Starting the first Sunday in May (5/5), we’ll be launching a new group, meeting before worship: “Let’s Talk.” Grab your coffee, and join at 10:20am for informal discussion around topics of life and faith. The group will decide together what they want to talk about in the coming weeks.