
Living Stones: Community Dinner
- Event: Free community dinner
- Location: Fairhaven
- Time: Today at 4:30pm
- Details: All are welcome for a good meal and to spend time with our neighbors.
Zoom: Wednesday Evening Bible Study
- Study Book: Exodus
- Format: Held on Zoom
- Time: Wednesday at 7pm
- Joining: Contact one of the pastors or Dave Smoyer to participate from home.
Hill Top: Staff-Parish Relations Committee Meeting
- Event: Committee meeting
- Time: Immediately after worship today
- Details: Committee members should attend.
Spencer: New Group Launch
- Event: Launch of "Let's Talk" group
- Time: Next Sunday, before worship at 10:20am
- Location: Grab your coffee and join
- Details: Informal discussion around topics of life and faith. The group will decide together on future topics.