Announcements 5-19-2024

Bible Study
- Wednesday evening Bible study is working through the book of Exodus. If you’d like to join (it is held on Zoom at 7pm, so you can participate from home), contact one of the pastors or Dave Smoyer.
Vacation Bible School
- Planning for Vacation Bible School has begun! Our theme this year is Camp Firelight, and it will be held August 5th-9th from 5:30-8:15pm. If you’d like to volunteer in any capacity, please reach out to Jayme Graham Our next planning meeting will be at Hill Top this Wednesday, May 22nd, at 6pm.
Youth Ministry
- The South Hills Partnership has been invited to participate in cooperative youth ministry with a few other UM churches in the South Hills. Spencer will be hosting a shared youth (grades 6-12) event next Sunday, May 26th at 6pm.