Announcements 6-2-2024

Announcements 6-2-2024
Photo by Allie Reefer / Unsplash

Bible Study

  • Wednesday Evening Bible Study: Working through the book of Exodus.
    • Time: 7pm
    • Platform: Zoom (participate from home)
    • Contact: One of the pastors or Dave Smoyer


  • Community Juneteenth Celebration
    • Church: Hill Top
    • Date: Saturday, June 15th
    • Time: Noon to 4pm
    • Details: Help is welcome from all Partnership churches and all are invited to enjoy games, a DJ, and other fun activities.

Ongoing Needs

  • Food Pantry
    • Need: Items for the pantry
    • Action: Pick up a few items during your weekly shopping
    • Importance: Children are out of school, making the food pantry a great community asset.

Sunday Mornings

  • Cafe
    • Open Every Sunday: 8:30 a.m.
    • Offerings: Coffee and donuts
    • Purpose: Visit with your church family prior to worship.

Special Announcements

  • Cross Installation
    • Location: Bottom of the steps above the bulkhead
    • Details: The cross from Carnegie's sanctuary is now installed and lit.
  • Dollar Market Sale
    • Thank You: To everyone who participated and helped
    • Outcome: It was a success, benefiting many in the community.
  • Father's Day Carnations
    • Organizer: Flo
    • Order forms: available in the back of the church or download the form here.
    • Purpose: To order carnations for the altar in honor or memory of a loved one.

Upcoming Events

  • History Day
    • Date: Saturday, June 15th
    • Time: 10am to 4pm
    • Details: Richard Cummings, our archivist, will be available.
    • Action:
      • If you have items from the church's history, see Richard for archiving.
      • Richard can also answer questions about the history and families of the church.