Announcements 6-30-2024

Living Stones: Monthly Hot Meal
- Event: Monthly hot meal
- Location: Fairhaven United Methodist Church
- Time: Today at 4:30pm
- Details: Open to the community. We encourage everyone to get involved and help with this event.
Special Recognition: Phil
- Recognition: Retirement of Phil as church treasurer
- Details: Today is Phil's last day as our church treasurer after nearly 25 years of service. We are extremely appreciative of everything he has done.
Grief Recovery Group: New Group by Reverend Peg
- Event: Grief recovery group
- Time: Tuesday nights, 6:30pm to 8:30pm (starting this Tuesday)
- Location: Hilltop
- Details: A six-week program for those who have experienced any kind of loss, whether it be the loss of a pet, job, loved one, health, or independence. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
Restoration Project: Good Shepherd Window
- Milestone: Restoration of the Good Shepherd window
- Details: The window needed restoration due to age and deterioration. It will be a four-month project costing $66,000. We have received over $20,000 in donations and a $9,000 grant from the History and Landmarks Foundation, but there is still a deficit. Donations to the window fund would be appreciated.