Announcements 7-21-2024

Announcements 7-21-2024
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Upcoming Events

Livingstone's Foot Meal:

  • Event: Community meal
  • Location: Fairhaven United Methodist Church
  • Time: Next Sunday, July 28, 2024, 4:30 PM

Bible Study Field Trip:

  • Event: Craig Davis performance at Rodeo Shalom Synagogue
  • Location: Rodeo Shalom Synagogue (Shadyside)
  • Time: This Wednesday, July 24, 2024 (evening)
  • Details: Bible study group attending as a field trip
  • Contact: Talk to Dave for carpool arrangements

Vacation Bible School - Camp Firelight:

  • Event: Evening Vacation Bible School
  • Location: Hill Top
  • Time: August 5-9, 2024, evenings
  • Details: For children entering grades K-6
  • Contact: Call or email the office at Spencer, or use the link on the Partnership website at

Volunteer Opportunities

Sunday School Assistants Needed:

  • Event: Volunteer opportunity to assist with Sunday School
  • Location: Hill Top
  • Time: Sundays during worship
  • Details: Consider taking one Sunday or choosing a regular Sunday each month to assist Jan in teaching our kids
  • Contact: Church office

Schedule Changes

Bible Study Cancellation:

  • Event: Regular Bible study canceled for this week
  • Location: Fairhaven United Methodist Church
  • Time: Wednesday, July 24, 2024
  • Details: Canceled due to field trip. Normal schedule is Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. Will resume regular schedule the following week