Announcements 9-1-2024

Announcements from Fairhaven
Monthly Administrative Council Meeting
- Event: Monthly Administrative Council Meeting
- Location: Fairhaven United Methodist Church
- Time: Next Sunday, September 8th (time not specified)
- Details: For members only; meeting will take place prior to worship.
Jumonville Day
- Event: Announcement
- Location: Jumonville
- Time: Saturday, October 12th
- Details: A renewing day on the mountain; potluck lunch and free time for hiking or walking to the cross. Short devotion followed by dinner at the lodge.
Announcements from Spencer UMC
Spencer Rummage Sale
- Event: Update
- Location: Spencer UMC
- Time: Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th
- Details: A rummage sale will take place to support the ministry of the United Methodist Women; great deals available.