Announcements 9-15-2024

Upcoming Events
Baby Shower for Jesus: Invite a friend!
- Event: Support the Christmas Store through gifts, gift cards, or monetary donations
- Location: Hill Top
- Time: Monday, September 23rd from 5-7pm
- Details: Dinner will be served; RSVP to Stormie
- Contact: Stormie
Jumonville Day: A day of renewal awaits!
- Event: A renewing day on the mountain with a potluck lunch, devotions, and dinner
- Location: Jumonville, sponsored by the South Hills Partnership
- Time: October 12th
- Details: A renewing day on the mountain; potluck lunch and free time for hiking or walking to the cross. Short devotion followed by dinner at the lodge.
Fundraising Events
Spencer's Rummage Sale: Get ready for a shopping spree!
- Event: Support the ministry of the United Methodist Women through a rummage sale
- Location: Spencer
- Time: Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th
- Details: Great deals will be available on both days
South Hills CROP Walk: Join in supporting a great cause!
- Event: A Church World Service campaign to raise awareness and funds for hunger locally and around the world through a walk
- Location: South Park
- Time: Sunday, October 6th in the afternoon
- Details: Register or sponsor a walker by calling Spencer's office at 412-881-4000