
Fairhaven Shorts 1-21-2024

Responding to Jesus' Transformative Call So I wonder if you can think back to when you first noticed Jesus calling you on the lakeshore of your life when you were just going

Fairhaven Sermon 1-21-2024

Jesus' call to His first disciples signifies a profound transformation, a journey from simple beginnings to a life-altering faith. This journey isn't just an activity but a deep change in identity and purpose, reshaping our entire existence in the light of His teachings.

Fairhaven Shorts 1-7-2024

The Significance of Personal Revelation The great preacher, Frederick Buechner, who's worth reading if you never have, his sermons are just beautiful. Everything he writes is beautiful. He has a sermon

Fairhaven Sermon 1-7-2024

This moment of baptism is significant. It's where Jesus, in his humanity, identifies with us. He aligns himself with our own baptismal journeys, sharing in our experiences.

Fairhaven Service 12-31-2023

This week's sermon wove biblical tales from Genesis to the New Testament, tracing the journey from mankind's fall to the birth and recognition of Jesus as the Messiah, emphasizing redemption, hope, and divine grace.