
Choose Life

Sunday Service was held by Pastor Matt Price and was titled “Choose Life”. /content/images/wordpress/2017/02/choose-life-export-file.mp3 Scripture lesson:  * Deuteronomy 30:15-20 * Matthew 5:21-32

View From The Mountain

Sunday sermon was held by Rev. Peg Bowman and was titled “View From The Mountain”. /content/images/wordpress/2017/02/view-from-the-mountain.mp3

The Message Of The Cross

Sunday service was held by Rev. Peg Bowman and was titled “The Message Of The Cross”. /content/images/wordpress/2017/01/the-message-of-the-cross.mp3

Come And See

Sunday service was held by Pastor Matt Price and was titled “come And See”. /content/images/wordpress/2017/01/come-and-see-export-file1.mp3