Beyond New Topic - We Believe!

What does it mean to believe in God? Even more, what does it mean to believe in the God of the Bible, whom Christians know as Father, Son and Holy Spirit? And with all the different denominations and churches out there, are there any common beliefs that unite all of us as followers of Jesus?
Starting April 9th at Spencer UMC’s Beyond Service, we’re going to use the season of Easter as a time to get back to the basics and explore the central beliefs of our faith.
We’ll do so by looking at the words of one of the most ancient expressions of Christian faith and belief called the Apostles’ Creed.
So if you’ve ever wondered what beliefs define us as Christians and connect us to our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, plan on joining us each Thursday at Spencer for a light meal beginning at 6:15 pm and worship at 7 pm.
Let’s keep a happy and holy Easter season by reminding ourselves what we believe!