Hill Top's Thanksgiving Service

On November 22, 2015, the Hill Top United Methodist Church of the South Hills Partnership held its Rededication and Thanksgiving Service.
Pastor Sue Hutchins led the Time of Thanksgiving by giving thanks to the many people it has taken to re-build the Hill Top Church.
- Presentation of Stoles from the South Hills Partnership to Pastor Matt Price
- Peg Bowman was acknowledged for her continued on-going journey to becoming ordained in the Priesthood of the Anglican Church.
- Bible Marathon readers
- Logan and his pumpkin auction which raised funds to rebuild the church ($880.00)
- Barry Funeral Home
- Joe Ehrlich
- Plants and Flowers by Lisa
- Sweet Peaches (Bek Hlavach and their staff) for letting people use their space as an auxiliary office for contractor and brainstorming meetings
The following is from the bulletin given at the service:
THANK YOU to the Board of Trustees, under the leadership of Joe Ehrlich, for overseeing the restoration work. And to the many who helped by praying, sorting, carrying and serving in ways unknown. Thank you to the congregation for its patience and understanding during these months. Thank you to all of the participants in today’s service. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
The altar flowers are presented by Sue Hutchins to the Glory of God and in honor of the workers who used their skills to create a place where God will be worshipped and people will experience God’s love; and in honor of the people of Hill Top, those present and the great cloud of witnesses who surround us. God is bigger than any fire!
Immediately following the worship service, a light luncheon catered by Sweet Peaches was served in the lobby.
The following is a list of participants in the service.
Steven Ehrlich and Erin Ehrlich
Shirley Schmunk- Organist
Ralph Graeser – Pianist
Peg Bowman – Choir Director
Bill Davidson – Pianist
Choir – Members, friends, families of the SHP churches
Worship Leaders
Pastor Alex Ielase – Redeemer on the Mount (shares the Hill Top building)
Rev. Paul Taylor – Pittsburgh District Superintendent, UMC
Ms. Katie Salisbury
Ms. Lauren Graeser Ohodnicki
Mr. Joey Ohodnicki
Mrs. Dona McDonald
Ms. Debbie Acklin
Photo Historian
Ms. Debbie Schmunk Soles
Technical Team
Jen McCay – Spencer UMC
Michael J. Bunardzya – MikeB Communications