Mother's Day Shorts 2024

Mother's Day Shorts 2024
Photo by Liv Bruce / Unsplash

The Importance of Mothers

Mother's Day is a time to celebrate women, especially the mother figures in your life, whether these maternal figures brought you forth from birth or entered your life through acts of love and caring. Mother's Day, as you know, was created in 1907. But did you know that Hallmark didn't begin creating and producing Mother's Day cards until the early 1920s?

According to the National Retail Federation, American spending on Mother's Day is expected to reach an all-time high of $35.7 billion this year. And generally speaking, men spend more time and give more gifts on Mother's Day than women do. Although the only person a man usually shops for is his wife, I can tell you the whole experience is rife with peril.

A Mother's Sacrifice

In the dangerous world in which she found herself, Yoshebed stands out because she did what she could and what she had to do to save her child. Then, when she could do no more, she totally depended on the faithfulness of God. I think the overriding lesson here to be learned is that a mother's job is not to plan out the life of her child. God already has designed that plan.

A mother's job is to understand her role in God's plan. And by understanding her role in God's plan, Yoshebed not only saved her son's life, but made it possible for the exodus of God's people from Egypt, which changed the course of history forever. Back then, it was a challenging period to be a mother, just as it was to be a mother in our world today.