Saturday, October 17, 2015
WHAT: A day of fellowship, fun, worship, exploring, food
WHERE: Jumonville Retreat Center, Hopwood, PA
WHO: People of the South Hills Partnership of United Methodist Churches
COST: $10.00 for dinner $12.00 for bus transportation
12:00 pm Gather in Ann Murphy for a light lunch
1:00 – 3:30 pm – Spend the afternoon exploring the grounds; walking or driving to the cross; playing on the athletic fields (softball, volley- ball, tennis, basketball); visiting the museum highlighting the role Jumonville played in the French and Indian War, its time as a civil war orphanage, a Training Center and now a retreat center.
4:00 pm – Vespers in Green Cathedral (transportation as needed)
5:00 pm – Dinner in the Dining Hall
7:00 pm – Head back to Pittsburgh
Bus Transportation:
A bus will be available for those wishing to travel together.
The bus will pick up folks at Carnegie UMC at 9:00 am and then at Fairhaven UMC, 9:30 am.
The cost is $12.00. [No charge if you are using your own vehicle.]
Please see a church bulletin for reservation contact person and phone number.
Snacks and cold drinks will be available during the day at Ann Murphy. Feel free to bring something to share. Bring a lawn chair, if desired.