Spring Challenge- Let's Eat the Rainbow

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Pexels.com

Please bring non-perishable items for the pantry that represent all the colors of the rainbow. EX: Beets, corn, mandarin oranges, green beans, blueberry muffins, grape jelly.

Of course, you can also bring other colors as well- like white or brown pasta or peanut butter. Place items in the red bin at the bottom of the steps. 

Blessing Bags- We are in need of all items for the blessing bags. We would like to make at least 2 dozen bags each month. That means we need at least 24 of each item. Place items in the clear box labeled for the Blessing Bags at the bottom of the steps. 

Thank you for your support of these on-going and vital outreach programs for the Overbrook/ Carrick community.

The Outreach Committee