A Surprise Dinner Party Sunday service was led by Deborah Ackley-Killian “A Surprise Dinner Party” /content/images/wordpress/2016/08/a-surprise-dinner-party.mp3
No Ifs, Ands or Buts Sunday service was led by Deborah Ackley-Killian and was titled “No Ifs, Ands or Buts” /content/images/wordpress/2016/06/deborah-ackley-killian.mp3
Easter Sunday 2016 - Why Are You Crying Easter Sunday Service was led by Pastor Deborah Ackley-Killian – Sermon: First Words: “Why are you crying.” /content/images/wordpress/2016/03/easter-sunday-why-are-you-crying-mp3-for-audio-podcasting.mp3
Pioneering Spirit Sunday Sermon by Rev. Deborah Ackley-Killian /content/images/wordpress/2015/10/pioneering-spirit.mp3
God’s Missionary People Sunday Service with Communion led by Rev. Deborah Ackley-Killian – Sermon “God’s Missionary People”
Would You Like A Cert Sunday Service was led by Rev. Deborah Ackley-Killian and the Sermon was titled “Would You Like A Cert”.
Angel Food Sunday Service was led by Pastor Deborah Ackley-Killian and the Sermon was titled “Angel Food”.