Fairhaven Sermon 6-16-2024 What does it mean to be a man of God? Exploring faithfulness, courage, and wisdom through the lives of Samuel, David, and Jesus.
Fairhaven Shorts 6-2-2024 Sins of Omission Eli is about to fall, because Eli's sons have been blaspheming God over and over. Specifically, they have been verbally abusing the worshippers that come into the temple. They have been stealing the offerings that people were giving to God and claiming them for themselves.
Fairhaven Sermon 6-2-2024 Rev. Peg Bowman's sermon emphasizes being God's person by trusting in His love, listening faithfully, and doing good, even when it's not popular.
Fairhaven Shorts 5-19-2024 A Miraculous Pentecost And today on Pentecost, we celebrate the fulfillment of God's Word as given by the prophet Joel. So let's dig into this story, starting with the events in Acts chapter 2. As the scene opens, the disciples are gathered together in Jerusalem in
Fairhaven Sermon 5-19-2024 In this week's sermon by Rev. Peg Bowman, she highlights the significance of Pentecost, the arrival of the Holy Spirit, and its role in uniting believers.
Fairhaven Shorts 5-5-2024 The Joyful Sound of Music in Worship Have you ever noticed that when the Bible talks about joy, it almost always talks about music and singing? There is a joy that I think that can really only be expressed through music. And I take our pianist Beatrice as an example.
Fairhaven Sermon 5-5-2024 Rev. Peg Bowman's sermon emphasizes joy and love, inspired by Psalm 98 and Acts. She invites all to share God's love, joy, and community.