Fairhaven Sermon 11-26-2023 Rev. Parson discusses the Royal Canadian Mint's new coins featuring King Charles without a crown, symbolizing the evolution of leadership and identity in contemporary society.
Fairhaven Sermon 11-19-2023 The sermon by Rev. Peg Bowman examines the Parable of the Talents, where servants are given fortunes to invest. We too are given gifts to use fruitfully for God's kingdom. Generous living brings joy.
All Saints Sunday 2023 For All Saints Day, Rev. Peg Bowman talks about remembering not just extraordinary saints, but regular people who love God. She explains that the scripture readings describe the blessings and rewards of the saints who have suffered in this life.
Fairhaven Sermon 10-22-2023 As we learn about ourselves and who God created in here, we also learn about what we have that we can offer to others. The question then is, what is God calling us to offer to the body of Christ and to the community around us? If we know what God has given us, then we know what we have to offer.
Fairhaven Sermon 10-8-2023 Fairhaven Sermon 10 8 20230:00/1111.8961× Summary This week’s sermon begins by acknowledging that October is a time when many churches discuss stewardship and giving. However, Pastor Peg says that before talking about giving, we need to focus on who we are giving to – God. Pastor Bowman
Sermon Shorts 10-1-2023 Preaching the Same Old Sermon He was a guest speaker. He knows his other position was professor of evangelism. Then in chapel he preached the same thing. And then at our baccalaureate graduation service, he preached the same thing. And whenever I heard him do that at what is arguably
Fairhaven Sermon 10-1-2023 Summary Rev. Dylan Parson reflects on how we often want to go back to the past, even when the past was difficult or oppressive. Just as the Israelites complained to Moses about leaving Egypt for the uncertainty of the desert, Christians today can be tempted to pine for the “good